Our Mission
The mission for our team is to fill a gap in business processes using trusted technologies. Our vision to make this mission successful is to explore innovative opportunities, seek healthy work culture, and to be the most excellent in our industry!
Everyone knows that not everything is Black & White, but what does that mean at Gray Box Solutions?
A black box is one that you don’t know what’s going on inside. You can push buttons and get a result, but you do not know the details and work necessary to transform your input into the result. This is your proprietary software and services that you pay others to know all the details of, so you can focus on your business. Everything works until it doesn’t and then you are put in a place where you might need to know the details.
A white box is completely transparent in every way to you. Your business, workflows, market, and core products and services are all open to you. As you grow, the specific details of some processes may be less important. A hands-on approach with those processes may be consuming time you cannot afford to lose, and you might delegate it to another provider. However, you may not want to completely hand that white box business process or workflow to a black box provider. You still need some visibility.
At Gray Box Solutions, we offer technology services and solutions to bridge the gaps between the seen and unseen tasks that enable your business to run.
Company Timeline
Start of Gray Box & Eleos Reseller
2018Geotab reseller
2019Orlando Summit
2022Edmonton Summit & In.sight gold sponsor
2023Ontario Summit
2024Start of Gray Box & Eleos Reseller
Orlando Summit
Ontario Summit
Geotab reseller
Edmonton Summit & In.sight gold sponsor
Meet Our Team
Founded in 2018 by a highly influential transportation technology professional respected throughout the industry, a former TMW senior developer, and an award-winning integration and implementation specialist, bringing over 100 years of experience in Transportation Technology, specializing in implementation, custom development and integrations. Flexibility, transparency and detail targeting set our team ahead of other options for the development, implementation and support of integration systems.
Curtis Timmer
Joel Penner
Jason Robertson
Shaun Mcdonald
Sr. Software Engineer
Patrick Ford
Product Support Specialist
Fred Hauf
Software Engineer
Tracie Carrel
Product Support Specialist
Dorothy Vankoughnett
Business Process Improvement / Financial Analysis / RPA Designer
Melissa Zahorodniuk
Customer Success Specialist
Landon Tipantiza
Software Engineer
Gregg Wilson
Solutions Engineer
Martin Pospech
Solutions Engineer